Because you're young, you're torn between. A world of hate and a world of dreams. So much to lose, so much to gain. So much to fight for, so much to change. You don't look back, you don't look down. You gotta turn everything around. You live your life like a loaded gun. Because you're young.

Friday, March 19, 2010

♪ Vunerability - Operation Ivy ♫

Hmm, last night I was all over the place haha. Well, apparently those shoes aren't the only ones I'm getting? Haha, I told him he got me the wrong size and he said "Oh no, I know those are tight but what about the other pair?" And I was like, "Uhm...other pair?" So apparently I'm getting a leopard print (!!!!!!!) pair in my right size soon hahaha. So I'm not so pissed anymore ;p
And that whole boyfriend, guy thing last night, argh. Some guys just do stupid ass things that aren't explainable and one little thing set me off.
I've been talking to Mikka again, who's a guy I met through POF like, over a year ago. Now, Mikka is a very...odd person. He's this giant, buff, italian type (not Guido) and he's very secretive. Well, like last summer him and I had a blow out because he wasn't coming to see me, for whatever reason. He said it was because he was in a bad accident and didn't look the way he wanted to and he wanted to get back into shape and didn't want me to see him with all these scars. For one, I could give a shit, seriously. Well, he also said basically I wasn't as smart as him because I was just a couple years younger than him. So I shut him up and shut him out completely after that. Like almost 2 weeks ago I get a message on a new POF profile I have from who appears to be Mikka's cousin and his cousin said how Mikka still misses me and really liked me and blahblahblah. So Mikka calls me the next day and I'm like, wow, you're kind of a jerk. He explains himself, whatever. So we were talking about getting back together, and even his cousin said "If you and Mikka don't work out, can we hang out?" hahaha. Well, he's been breaking promises again and again and the fucker won't give me his number, which I really still don't get, and everytime I ask him why, he says that even all of his close friends don't have his number.
So, this is really sketchy. I don't understand it. But I'm pretty sure that he's in the mafia.
And I'm not even kidding, it's not supposed to be a joke but come on. He's italian, he owns a "company", he doesn't give out his personal number, he offers to take complete care of me, he's loaded, etc. Like come on, I'll be dating a mobster.
That's pretty cool actually hahaha.

Mm, alright. I'll probably write more later on. Gotta run next door for a bit. I'm loving how I did the layout on here. I want to mess with some html. I haven't in ages.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

♪ houdinis pool - mad sin ♫

Soooo today was a long day at work. Longest I've had to be at Sears in awhile. And it was lame. Which is why I'm hardly ever there.
Getting a birthday party set up is a pain in the ass, specially when the person you're planning it for is an even bigger pain in the ass :) But it's mostly all squared away, just got a few more details to hammer out.
I'm kinda pissed off right now too..a friend of mine decided he wanted to buy me a pair of stripper heels, so being the shoe queen that I am, I of course thought it was a great idea haha. So the whole time I'm under the impression they're either going to be black or pink or both and they're going to be the right size and no stupid straps and this is what I got in the mail tonight;
They're really cute but; they're a size too small (I need an 11, these are 10), I broke my ankle a few years ago and my right ankle is a little bigger than my left, so the straps don't zip all the way up, and they're so fucking narrow I feel like I'm gonna break my ankle again. Also, they're silver and clear and eh, that's just a little TOO trashy for me.
Oh well. If I can't get a new pair, off to eBay you go stripper shoes!

Hmm..I keep popping off the backs of the earrings in my 3rd holes. It feels so weird to have actual earrings in my ears since I don't use my 2nd holes anymore and my first ones are bigger than a butthole, haha. I love my saggy lobes<3. I really want to get some new earrings at work tomorrow, since they're basically healed, but fucking Claire's sucks. If I want to buy something, I have to make sure I buy at LEAST $15 worth so our ADS doesn't go down. And I almost always get a fucking PWP so we can get tallies and kiss up to Sally. Ridiculous. I want to buy little things almost all the time, not a whole big purchase. But whatever, Christina (my manager) gets on my shit for wearing the same necklaces over and over and not buying anything new. Well excuse me, give me more fucking hours so I can have extra money to buy our cheap ass jewelery with. It's kinda simple math.
It's all good though, because soon enough I'm gonna fucking leave that mall and I'm gonna be in school. I've decided to go for cosmetology just to get it done and out of the way. I need to make more money and I need more power. I can't have these fucking shitty minimum wage/crappy boss jobs. I've already spit in one manager's coffee, I'm not afraid to do worse.

Gah, I need to shower. I feel like a grunge kid right now. My hair feels almost stiff from it not being washed and hairsprayed, yucko. But I wanna enjoy my greeeeeeen, nom nom nom.
UGHHHHHH. What the fuck, guys are dicks, just straight up. I'm so fucking frustrated right now I could scream. I'm over relationship talk holy crapppp. I don't want to hear the words boyfriend ever, seriously. Ugh.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So I haven't had a blog in the longest time but I figure I should probably start up a new one, complete new website and everything. LJ just wasn't doing it for me.
Anyway, I gotta look around this place and find some new people to talk to and be little ol' blog friends with.
I'll write in more detail later. I must get some sleep, work tomorrow. Fail.